Reorder the booking steps
The booking form consists of seven steps, but it is not mandatory to utilize all of them if they are not required. For instance, if there is only one location or staff member, these steps can be hidden from the booking form. Additionally, the order of these steps can be rearranged based on the nature of the business. This can be achieved by dragging and repositioning the steps using the move icon. These sorting changes will not complicate the system. If the staff selection step precedes the service selection step, only the services associated with the chosen staff will be displayed. Similarly, when a service is selected, only the staff members who offer that particular service will be shown. The same principle applies to the Date and Time step. Upon selecting a date, only the available staff or services for that specific date will be presented on the booking panel. While it is not possible to disable the date and time and information steps, any other booking steps can be hidden if they are not necessary.