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Webhook ( Zapier, IFTTT integration )

By leveraging the Webhook feature, you can significantly enhance your integration capabilities. For instance, by seamlessly integrating with platforms like Zapier or IFTTT, you will unlock a multitude of integration opportunities across thousands of applications. With the utilization of the advanced request builder for Webhooks, a variety of HTTP/HTTPS requests can be dispatched.

Appointment Webhook

Before proceeding, it is essential to choose the appropriate request method. The following methods are available for selection:

  • GET
  • POST
  • PUT

The upcoming input field requires you to insert the URL where the request will be directed. Additionally, you have the option to utilize Dynamic contents while inputting the URL.

In the subsequent input, you have the opportunity to input form data that will be utilized for the POST and PUT methods. There is no limit to the amount of form data you can include. Additionally, you can employ the same Dynamic contents while incorporating form data.

In the upcoming input, you have the ability to include customized headers. Furthermore, you can make use of Dynamic contents when adding headers.

The Workflow module provides a range of actions that allow for the sending of HTTP(s) requests.

The actions that are currently accessible are listed below:

  1. When a new appointment is added.
  2. When the appointment is rescheduled.
  3. When appointment status is changed. (It’s possible to build different set combinations based on the previous and present status of appointment)
  4. When the appointment ends. (One can also consider N minutes past the scheduled appointment time or N minutes remaining until the scheduled appointment time concludes.)
  5. When a new customer is created.

For instance, initiate a POST request to EXAMPLE_URL one hour subsequent to the conclusion of the appointment.

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