Multiple Locations Booking
As your enterprise expands, the quantity of sites you cater to might escalate. Your clientele desires to avail the services you provide from the nearest location to their vicinity. By employing the e-Janji Appointment Booking system, you can utilize the multi-location functionality for your reservation form.
The crucial aspect of managing multiple locations lies in guaranteeing the simultaneous sharing of information throughout the entire organization. This ensures that no individual is left uninformed about vital matters and fosters a sense of unity within the company.
The greater the number of locations you cater to, the wider your customer base becomes. Customers tend to opt for the nearest location in order to avail themselves of the services provided. You have the flexibility to establish multiple locations and offer identical services across them. This allows for the opportunity to hire distinct personnel for each location.
To ensure the seamless functioning of this feature, simply navigate to the back-end panel and incorporate a new location. Moreover, by selecting the appropriate location while entering your staff member’s details, you can promptly commence utilizing this advantageous feature.